Friday 8 March 2013

Rik Garrett

Tests for Symbosis series               2011              analogue print and oil pastel    
Rik Garrett is an American artist who's focus is to explore the "ideas of love, relationships, magic, Alchemy and mutually beneficial partnerships in nature."

Symbosis is a series from 2011 that has been getting a lot of attention. His works are interesting and really showcases the concept of a sexual relationships. He manipulates the images with skin-toned acrylic paint (painted directly on the print), binding the two figures to look as though they have become one person. Although what I really love is Garrett's rough and textured brush strokes giving a more raw aesthetic look to the works. He overlaps paint over their faces and binds them together only allowing very little space in-between them. The figures are unidentifiable and hiding within each other only revealing some limbs. 

Garret has other series as well, exploring the themes of Alchemy and magic. They are available to look at on his website! Be sure to check him out on his Facebook, tumblr and personal blog

More lovely photographs after the jump!

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