Monday 11 March 2013

Alma Haser

Alma Haser comes from a very artistic and creative rounded family. In 2010, Haser completed her undergraduate degree of Photography at Nottingham Trent University. She is now living in London and has been receiving a lot of recognition for her interesting portrait photographs. This specific series, Cosmic Surgery, has won third place peoples choice award at the Foto8 Summer Show in 2012. 

Haser changes the elements of a traditional portrait, making the subject unidentifiable by placing an origami piece right on the face. The origami gives off a cosmic feel from the star shapes and kalaidoscopic (not a word but it seems fitting) patterns of repeated eyes and lips. She has the models sit in the traditional portrait pose of the body facing away from the camera and the face turned the other way at three-quaters - but then adds another element which changes the original idea of a portrait. Haser has now turned the portrait into her own work. 

Please support Alma Haser by checking her out at other places on the internet. 

More photographs after the jump!

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