Thursday 11 July 2013

KwangHo Shin

It was really difficult for me on how to approach this post because Korean artist KwangHo Shin has produced so many works that I didn't know which ones to pick! So here I five you a variety from two series, one of which focuses on the use of charcoal and paint. But then looking through his portfolio he has a massive amount of drawings beautiful done in charcoal so I couldn't leave it out. You'll definitely be seeing another post of him in the near future. 

As far as my art taste goes, I think by now if you have been tracking my blog that you'll see theres a constant characteristics of distortion, chaos, organic and fragmented. KwangHo has exactly fit into my taste. The roughness of the use of charcoal is stunning and gives the portrait personality. In addition, the  use of thick painted mess perfectly fits into the facial space coinciding with the direction of lines in the face. Meaning that KwangHo knows exactly what he's doing and how to execute it. Making mess is harder than it looks. And when it's done correctly it gives a beautiful effect of chaos and distortion. 

View more of his beautiful works below!


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