Monday 1 July 2013

Andrew Lyman

Alone Together is a series constructed by American artist, Andrew Lyman. In each photograph there is a feature of two similar if not same things. The title itself are contrasted to each other.  The number two is connected to many meanings and symbols. 'Duality' is an ongoing theme in the history of photography, and if used correctly the image is very effective. The first image coming to mind is 
  'Twins'image from Diane Arbus. The figures in each image might be similar, although they are not identical. There is an interaction between each object or figure. Each has their own characteristics, however tied in with clever composition each photograph stands out. Lyman also uses analogue which brings a sense of nostalgia in the natural tones it captures. Some photos have odd set ups such as the two hands being dipped in milk (below) although I think this brings a quirky quality to the series. 


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