Monday 24 June 2013

Moisés Mohiques

Spanish artist Moisés Mohiques has been creating these overlapping figure drawings that show situations and emotions. The constant repetition and overlapping causes chaos and distortion which is what makes the works interesting. Mohiqués chooses to illustrate siutations of disaster, violence and sex. Literally putting 100 frames into one. The works are very minimal in terms of tone and colour however it deems perfect for his overlapping style.

He does many site specific work where you are able to see his drawings on the walls which definitely adds another dimension to a white wall. I have chosen some works which you can see after the jump that showcase the variety of topics in which he covers in different ways. I am becoming a fan of his work however, I've only seen a couple pieces where he draws the female body - which I would like to see more of!

To see more of his work, visit his website here!

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